31 October – 2 November 2023
ICC Sydney
AROSE is looking forward to being part of a fantastic line up of speakers at the upcoming International Mining and Research Conference & Expo (IMARC) in Sydney this October.
IMARC creates a global conversation, mobilises the industry for collaboration and attracts the biggest and brightest from the mining, investment, and technology industries.
The AROSE team will present, alongside the Australian Space Agency and others to the theme of ‘Mining and Space: Collaborating on Robotics and Automation Capability’.
The Conference program is available now, access it here: Download Conference Program | International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) (imarcglobal.com).
Find out more, including how to register, here: International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) | 31 October – 2 November 2023 | Collaborating on trends in mining, investment and innovation towards a sustainable future (imarcglobal.com)